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Sources of Information
- Siebert, J. Der Dichter Tannhäuser, 1980:p. 17 (b. not long after 1200) p. 27 (d. not long after 1266)
- Meyers Enz. Lexikon, 1978(Tannhäuser, der, Middle High German Tanhuser or Tannhuser, b. soon after 1200, prob. in Tannhausen bei Neumarkt, Bavaria; d. after 1266; poet)
- Brockhaus Enz., 1973(Tannhäuser, ca. 1205-1270; Tannhụser; der Tannhûser)
- LC data base, 9-19-85(hdg.: Tannhäuser)
- New Grove(Tannhäuser (Danhuser, Don heusser, Tanvser, Tanhûser), German minnesinger)
- Tannhauser, c1953:p. 3 (the minstrel knight, Henry of Ofterdingen, known as Tannhauser)
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Wikipedia description:
Tannhäuser (German: [ˈtanhɔʏzɐ]; Middle High German: Tanhûser), often stylized "The Tannhäuser", was a German Minnesinger and traveling poet. Historically, his biography, including the dates he lived, is obscure beyond the poetry, which suggests he lived between 1245 and 1265. His name becomes associated with a "fairy queen"–type folk ballad in German folklore of the 16th century.
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