Computer Society of India

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007322809505171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Computer Society of India
Other forms of name
C.S.I. (Computer Society of India)
CSI (Computer Society of India)
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 142514140
Wikidata: Q5157485
Library of congress: n 81052659
Sources of Information
  • Its Journal, June 1970.
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Wikipedia description:

Computer Society of India is a body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. It has 72 chapters across India, 511 student branches, and 100,000 members. The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional meet to exchange views and information to learn and share ideas. The wide spectrum of members is committed to the advancement of theory and practice of Computer Engineering and Technology Systems, Science and Engineering, Information Processing and related Arts and Sciences. The Society also encourages and assists professionals to maintain integrity and competence of the profession and fosters a sense of partnership amongst members. Besides the activities held at the Chapters and Student Branches, the Society also conducts periodic conferences, seminars. Through the initiatives of Professor Rangaswamy Narasimhan the first President, CSI has been in close liaison with International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since its inception in 1965, when observers from India attended the IFIP Council meeting. Since 1974, when CSI became a member of IFIP, CSI has organized many IFIP sponsored events and was host to the 1978 Council meeting in Bombay and 1988 General Assembly in New Delhi. It represents India in technical committees and working groups of IFIP. Prof. Vipin Tyagi, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology is Hon. Secretary of Computer Society of India.

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