Visscher, Maurice B., 1901-1983
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- His Fifty years of medical education ... 1939:t.p. (Maurice B. Visscher)
- LC in OCLC, 12-5-88(hdg: Visscher, Maurice Bolkes, 1901- ; usage: Maurice B. Visscher)
- Phone call to Mrs. M.B. Visscher, 5-19-88(Visscher had middle initial of B., which stood for "B.", not for "Bolkes" (or "Bolks", his mother's maiden name); d. 1983)
Wikipedia description:
Maurice Bolks Visscher (August 25, 1901 – May 1, 1983) was an American cardiovascular physiologist. He is best known for demonstrating that cardiac muscle declines in efficiency as it fails, and for pioneering the use of isotopes to study electrolyte absorption in the small intestine.
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