Davis, Martha F., 1957-
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Sources of Information
- Her Brutal need, c1993:CIP t.p. (Martha F. Davis) data sheet (b. 4-4-57)
- Faculty Directory; via WWW; June 17, 2010(Assoc. Dean Northeastern Univ. of Law, teaches "Women's Rights Lawyering, Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibility"; faculty director of school's Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy; Prior to 2002 was v.p. and legal dir. of NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund; chairs board of dirs. of National Economic and Social Rights Initiative; serves on the edit. board of the Harvard School of Public Health's publication Health and Human Rights; appointed member of Massachusetts State Advisory Committee of the US Commission on Civil Rights)
Wikipedia description:
Martha F. Davis (born 1957) is a professor of law at Northeastern University in Boston. She authored the book Brutal Need, a study of the welfare rights movement of 1960 to 1973.
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