Nicolas d'Orbelles
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Sources of Information
- Eximii doctoris magistri Nicolai de Orbellis ... Sup[er] se[n]tentias co[m]pe[n]diu[m], 1515
- Dict. de théologie catholique(Nicolas d'Orbelles; O.F.M. of the observance of the province of Tours; Scotist; b. Orbelles, near Angers; d. between 1472-1475)
- Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche(Nicolaus d'Orbellis; also Dorbellus)
- RLIN, April 6, 1998(hdg: Orbellis, Nicolaus de; usage: Nicolai de Orbellis; Nicolaus Dorbellus)
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Wikipedia description:
Nicolas d'Orbellis was a French Franciscan theologian and philosopher, of the Scotist school.
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