Targowski, Andrew, 1937-
Enlarge text Shrink textAndrew (Andrzej) Stanislaw Targowski (born October 9, 1937) is a Polish–American computer scientist specializing in enterprise computing, societal computing, information technology impact upon civilization, information theory, wisdom theory, and civilization theory. One of the pioneers of applied information systems in Poland, he is an executive, university professor, scientist, civilizationist, philosopher, visionary, writer, and generalist. In Poland he is known for developing a computerized the social security number (PESEL, 1972–74) for 38 million citizens, a prototype of INFOSTRADA (1972–1974), and authoring of the first books on applied information technology in business, economy, and society. In the United States he has developed one of the first digital cities in the U.S., teleCITY of Kalamazoo, Michigan (1992–1996). He concentrated on the cognitive informatics-oriented development of the theories of enterprise-wide system, information, communication, civilization, and wisdom.
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