Primakov, V. M. 1897-1937
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- His Afganistan v ogne [MI] 1929:t.p. (V.M. Primakov)
- OCLC data-base, 4-1-85(OCLC no. 3734596 hdg.: Primakov, Vitaliĭ Markovich)
- His I vskhodili maki krasnye--, 1987:t.p. (V. M. Primakov) verso t.p. (1897-1937)
- OCALC/7.2017
- OCLC; MRC; Russian cat. (12.07)
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Wikipedia description:
Vitaliy Markovich Primakov (Russian: Виталий Маркович Примаков, romanized: Vitaliy Markovich Primakov; Ukrainian: Віталій Маркович Примаков, romanized: Vitalii Markovych Prymakov) (3 December 1897 – 12 June 1937) was a Soviet revolutionary, military leader of the Red Army, and commander of the Red Cossacks. He was a close friend of the Kotsiubynsky family and a son-in-law of Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky.
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