Alabama Baptist State Convention

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  • Corporate Body
| מספר מערכת 987007352272505171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Alabama Baptist State Convention
Other forms of name
Alabama Baptist Convention
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 129283097
Wikidata: Q4705190
Library of congress: no 89007058
Sources of Information
  • Its Annual of the Alabama Baptist State Convention, 1987:p. 2 (Alabama Baptist Convention)
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Wikipedia description:

The Alabama Baptist Convention (ABC or ABSC) is an autonomous association of Baptist churches in the U.S. state of Alabama formed in 1823. It is one of the state conventions associated with the Southern/Great Commission Baptists. The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions promotes evangelism and discipleship in Alabama, develops church leadership, assists in the foundation of new churches and funds state-level, national and global missions including a newspaper, Christian schools, children's aid programs, retirement centers and so on. The ABSC is supported by the Cooperative Program, where affiliated Baptist churches in Alabama donate a part of their revenues to the ABSC. It was one of the original nine state conventions to send delegates to the first Southern Baptist Convention, organized in 1845.

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