Ambler, S. T.
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Sources of Information
- The author's The song of Simon de Monfort, 2019:title page (Sophie Thérèse Ambler)
- Ambler, S. T. Bishops in the political community of England, 1213-1272, 2017:title page (S.T. Ambler)
- preferred: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse; variant: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse; Ambler, S. T.; Ambler, Sophie; Ambler, Sophie T.; gender: Females; lang. code: eng; note: Historienne, spécialiste de l'Angleterre médiévale. - Chercheuse participante au : "Magna Carta Project", University of East Anglia, Norwich, GB (en 2017) ( (National Library of France via VIAF, Feb. 26, 2018) )
- preferred: Ambler, S. T.; gender: female ( (National Library of Israel via VIAF, Feb. 26, 2018) )
- preferred: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse; variant: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse; Ambler, S.T.; biographical/historical: Recherches doctorales au King's College de Londres ( (Sudoc [ABES], France via VIAF, Feb. 26, 2018) )
- identifier:; preferred: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse; variant: Ambler, Sophie Thérèse ( (BIBSYS via VIAF, Feb. 26, 2018) )
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Wikipedia description:
Sophie Ambler is a medieval historian, focussing on politics, ethics, and warfare, often through the lens of the Crusades. She undertook her PhD at King's College London, supervised by David A. Carpenter.
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