Spain. Ministerio de Defensa
Enlarge text Shrink text- Spain. Marina. Boletín of. del Min. de Def.:Diario of. de Marina, 6 jul. 1977 (x-ref.) t.p. (Boletín oficial del Ministerio de Defensa) p. 2.038, etc. (Real Decreto 1.558/1977, de 4 jul.: Se crea el Ministerio de Defensa quedando integrados en el mismo todos los organismos y unidades de los Ministerios del Ejército, Marina y Aire, y quedando suprimidos dichos Departamentos)
- Its Memoria, legislatura 1982-1986:t.p. (Ministerio de Defensa, MD)
- El futuro de la cooperación Unión Europea-OTAN, c2008:t.p. (Ministerio de Defensa) p. 93 (Spanish Ministry of Defence)
The Ministry of Defence (MINISDEF) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for planning, developing and carrying out the general guidelines of the Government about the defence policy and the managing of the military administration. It is the administrative and executive body of the Spanish Armed Forces. According to the Constitution of 1978, the Monarch is the Commander in Chief of the Spanish military. He can declare war or conclude peace with authorization of the Cortes Generales, provided this act is countersigned by the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Defense is headed by the Minister of Defence, a Cabinet member who depends directly from the Prime Minister. Beneath the Ministry of Defense are five subordinate principal departments: the Armed Forces headed by the Chief of the Defence Staff (JEMAD) which is divided in three military branches led by the Chief of Staff of the Army (JEME), the Chief of Staff of the Navy (AJEMA) and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (JEMA); the Secretariat of State for Defence (headed by the Secretary of State, SEDEF); the Undersecretariat of Defence headed by the Ministry's Under-Secretary (SUBDEF) and the General Secretariat for Defence Policy head by the Secretary-General (SEGENPOL). In addition, the National Intelligence Center (CNI) is subordinated to the Ministry of Defence. The current holder of the Ministry is Margarita Robles.
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