Reis, Mario, 1976-
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Fundamentals of magnetism, 2013:ECIP t.p. (Mario Reis)
- E-mail communication from publisher, Feb. 22, 2013:(b. 04.01.1976)
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Wikipedia description:
Mario Reis is a physicist, researcher and lecturer at Fluminense Federal University. He is a specialist in magnetism, more precisely on molecular magnetism, magnetocaloric effect, nanomagnetism and other related topics. On these themes, he has published over a hundred scientific papers. supervised dozens of graduate students and post-docs; and published two books: Mario Reis and A. Moreira dos Santos, Magnetismo Molecular, Livraria da Física, 192 pgs (2010) Mario Reis, Fundamentals of Magnetism, Elsevier, 297 pgs (2013). Since 2016 he has been an editor of Physica B: Condensed Matter, an international journal published by Elsevier.
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