Black Orpheus
Enlarge text Shrink text- Benson, P. Black Orpheus, Transition, and cultural ... c1985:CIP t.p. (Black Orpheus)
- LC data base, 12-27-84(hdg.: Black Orpheus)
Black Orpheus: A Journal of African and Afro-American Literature was a Nigeria-based literary journal founded in 1957 by German expatriate editor and scholar Ulli Beier that has been described as "a powerful catalyst for artistic awakening throughout West Africa". Its name derived from a 1948 essay by Jean-Paul Sartre, "Orphée Noir", published as a preface to Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache, edited by Léopold Sédar Senghor. Beier wrote in an editorial statement in the inaugural volume that "it is still possible for a Nigerian child to leave a secondary school with a thorough knowledge of English literature, but without even having heard of Léopold Sédar Senghor or Aimé Césaire", so Black Orpheus became a platform for Francophone as well as Anglophone writers. The Congress for Cultural Freedom, a front group set up by the Central Intelligence Agency, was a funder of the magazine.
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