Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Enlarge text Shrink text- The First three years of IUE, 1981 (a.e.)t.p. (Science and Engineering Research Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; Chilton, Didcot, Oxon)
- BLAISE (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; formed by the merger of Rutherford Laboratory and Appleton Laboratory [no publs. in LC data base])
- Starlink bulletin, Nov. 1991:t.p. (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) p. 2 (RAL)
- BL AL recd. 8 Sept. 1995(in Apr. 1994, merged with the Daresbury Laboratory under the name Daresbury and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (DRAL); in Apr. 1995 the united body's name changed to the (Council for the) Central Laboratory of the Research Councils. The two individual laboratories continue to exist as separate entities and may publish under their individual names)
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory WWW site, 22 Apr. 2005:history, facts and figures (in 1979 the Rutherford Laboratory and Appleton Laboratory merged to form the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is one of the national scientific research laboratories in the UK operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). It began as the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, merged with the Atlas Computer Laboratory in 1975 to create the Rutherford Lab; then in 1979 with the Appleton Laboratory to form the current laboratory. It is located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus at Chilton near Didcot in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. It has a staff of approximately 1,200 people who support the work of over 10,000 scientists and engineers, chiefly from the university research community. The laboratory's programme is designed to deliver trained manpower and economic growth for the UK as the result of achievements in science.
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