Libro de las estampas

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| מספר מערכת 987007372054405171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Libro de las estampas
Other forms of name
Catedral de León. Manuscript. Códice no. 25
Testamentos de los reyes de León
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 174006390
Wikidata: Q21573287
Library of congress: no 98104114
OCoLC: oca04799105
Sources of Information
  • Testamentos de los reyes de León, 1997:t.p. (Libro de las estampas) p. 1 (from the Archives of the Catedral de León; Códice no. 25)
  • Catedral de León WWW Home page, April 28, 1998(Libro de las estampas)
  • RLIN, Aug. 21, 1998(hdg.: Libro de las estampas)
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Wikipedia description:

The Libro de las Estampas ("Book of the Pictures") or Testamentos de los Reyes de León ("Donations of the Kings of León") is a late twelfth-century cartulary codex of León Cathedral. It contains copies of donations from seven kings—Ordoño II, Ordoño III, Ramiro III, Vermudo II, Alfonso V, Fernando I and Alfonso VI—and one countess, Sancha Muñiz. Each copy is preceded by an illustration of the donor. All but Ordoño II are shown bearing the original charter (a scroll with a large seal). These lavish depictions in the Romanesque style served an authenticating function. The illustrations, however, are anachronistic. The costume depicted is typical of the twelfth century, not the early tenth. Similarly, pendant seals did not become common in Iberia until the twelfth century. Each king is depicted crowned and seated on a throne, bearing a sceptre. The scrolls the donors hold bear their names and a confirmation of their donation. For example, Ego Ordonius minor rex confirmo ("I, Ordoño the younger [i.e., the third], confirm [this gift]"). The depiction of the countess differs from those of the kings in that she is bending her knees while a second figure lifts a sword ready to strike. In the iconography of the times, she is portrayed as a martyr because of her gift to the church.

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