Tayinat Site (Turkey)

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  • Place
| מספר מערכת 987007376838205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אתר טיינאט (טורקיה)
Name (Latin)
Tayinat Site (Turkey)
Other forms of name
Tell Ta'yinat (Turkey)
36.37638889 36.37638889 36.2475 36.2475 (gooearth )
See Also From tracing topical name
Mounds Turkey
See Also From tracing place name
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q907974
Library of congress: sh2014100009
Sources of Information
  • Work cat: 2014046253: Janeway, Brian, Finding the Northern Philistines, 2015E-cip t.p. (Tell Tayinat)
  • Tayinat Archaeological Project website, Nov. 25, 2014:home page (Tell Ta'yinat forms a large low-lying mound located 45 kilometres east of Antakya (ancient Antioch) in Southeastern Turkey)
Wikipedia description:

Tell Ta'yinat is a low-lying ancient tell on the east bank at the bend of the Orontes River where it flows through the Amuq valley, in the Hatay province of southeastern Turkey about 25 kilometers south east of Antakya (ancient Antioch), and lies near Tell Atchana, the site of the ancient city of Alalakh. Tell Ta'yinat has been proposed as the site of Alalaḫu, inhabited in late 3rd millennium BC, mentioned in Ebla's Palace G archive; and in later times as Kinalua, the capital city of an Iron Age Neo-Hittite kingdom. Among the findings are an Iron Age temple and several 1st millennium BC cuneiform tablets. Chatal Huyuk (Amuq) is another major site that is located in the area.

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