Community of the Sisters of the Love of God
Enlarge text Shrink text- Eternity and time, c2001:t.p. verso (Sisters of the Love of God)
- Its website, viewed June 12, 2006(Community of the Sisters of the Love of God)
- OCLC (12 June 2007):(UKM hdg.: Community of the Sisters of the Love of God)
- Christ within me, 2008:t.p. (SLG) p. 4 of cover (Sisters of the Love of God, a contemplative Anglican religious order)
The Community of the Sisters of the Love of God (SLG) is an Anglican religious order of contemplative nuns founded in 1906 within the Church of England. The community has always drawn upon Carmelite spirituality. The community is at the Convent of the Incarnation, Fairacres, Oxford, England. Formerly it had houses at Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, Burwash in East Sussex, and Staplehurst in Kent. The community planned a convent in the Holy Land in the 1930s, but this phase of work never came to fruition, owing to the outbreak of the Second World War. The community has a small publishing house, SLG Press, which was founded in 1967 and produces a journal containing short theological papers twice a year, the Fairacres Chronicle. Their main publishing activity however is a list of over 200 short books on prayer and the spiritual life, including a significant collection of Syriac patristics works and a series of Contemplative Poetry. Authors include A. M Allchin, Prof. John Barton, Prof. Sebastian Brock, Revd John Chryssavgis, Dom Jean Leclercq OSB, André Louf OCSO, Prof. Andrew Louth, Prof. John McGuckin, ArchBp Michael Ramsey, Dumitru Staniloae, Prof Columba Stewart OSB, Sr Benedicta Ward SLG, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, ArchBp Rowan Williams.
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