Mühle, Jörg
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Sources of Information
- רק עוד כמה דגדוגים... ולישון, 2019:כריכה קדמית (ירג מילה) ; כריכה אחורית (Jörg Mühle)
- اثنتان لي وواحدة لك، 2018صفحة العنوان (يورغ موله)
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Wikipedia description:
Jörg Mühle (born in Frankfurt in 1973) is a freelance illustrator, and author of children's books. He studied at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main, and at the prestigious École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs in Paris. Mühle is known for the board book Nur noch kurz die Ohren kraulen? (published in English by Gecko Press as Tickle My Ears) which has sold over sixty thousand copies in Germany, and been translated into six languages.
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