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| מספר מערכת 987007403825205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Other forms of name
AAVs (Adeno-associated viruses)
Adeno-associated viruses
Adenosatellite viruses
See Also From tracing topical name
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q5260638
Library of congress: sh2017000361
Sources of Information
  • Work cat: White, A.F. Targeted gene transfer by genetic capsid modification of recombinant adeno associated virus 2, 2005:p. 1 (The development of safe and efficient gene transfer vectors is essential to achieving long-term success for gene therapy. One of the most promising viral vectors is based on adeno-associated virus (AAV), a member of the parvovirus family. AAV is also known as dependovirus because it requires the presence of a helper virus to complete its replicative life cycle)
  • MeSH browser, Feb. 15, 2017(Dependovirus -- A genus of the family Parvoviridae, subfamily Parvovirinae, which are dependent on a coinfection with helper adenoviruses or herpesviruses for their efficient replication. The type species is Adeno-associated virus 2) [UF] (Adeno-associated viruses)
  • Carter, J.B. Virology : principles and applications, ©2007:p. 138 (The subfamily Parvovirinae includes the genus Dependovirus, the members of which are defective, normally replicating only when the cell is co-infected with a helper virus. Other parvoviruses that do not require helper viruses are known as autonomous parvoviruses)
  • PDR medical dictionary, 2006(Dependovirus -- A genus of small defective single-stranded DNA viruses in the family Parvoviridae that depend on adenoviruses for replication. Syn. -- adeno-associated virus; adenosatellite virus)
  • Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary, 2007(Dependovirus -- adeno-associated viruses; a genus of viruses of the subfamily Parvovirinae (family Parvoviridae) that require coinfection with an adenovirus or herpesvirus to provide helper functions for replication. If no helper virus is present, the genome can be integrated into the host cell DNA, resulting in latent infection. Asymptomatic infection is common in humans and in many animal species)
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Wikipedia description:

Dependoparvovirus (formerly Dependovirus or Adeno-associated virus group) is a genus in the subfamily Parvovirinae of the virus family Parvoviridae; they are Group II viruses according to the Baltimore classification. The name refers to the fact that all dependoviruses, except duck parvovirus and goose parvovirus (both classified as Anseriform dependoparvovirus 1), cannot replicate productively in their host cell without the cell being coinfected by a helper virus such as an adenovirus, a herpesvirus, or a vaccinia virus.

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