Wik, Hans Jacob, 1522-1588
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Weber, B. Wunderzeichen und Winkeldrucker 1543-1586, c1972 (subj.)p. 13 (Hans Jacob Wik, 1522-1588; sometimes spelled Wick by his contemporaries) p. 14 (Chorherr)
- Z dziejów obiegu informacji w Europie XVI wieku, 1995:t.p. (... Jana Jakuba Wicka [of Zurich]) added t.p. (... Ioanne Iacobo Wickio)
- LC data base, 08-12-96(hdg.: Wick, Johann Jakob, 1522-1588)
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Wikipedia description:
Johann Jakob Wick (1522 – 14 August 1588) was a Protestant clergyman from Zürich. Wick lived in the Zürich of Heinrich Bullinger, the successor of Huldrych Zwingli. He studied theology in Tübingen, and was pastor of Witikon, at the city hospital, and the Predigerkirche. Afterwards he was canon and second archdeacon at the Grossmünster. Wick is the collector of the Wickiana.
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