Uspanteco Indians

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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Uspanteco Indians
Other forms of name
Uspantek Indians
Uspanteko Indians
See Also From tracing topical name
Indians of Central America Guatemala
Quiché Indians
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q2366626
Library of congress: sh2015002791
Sources of Information
  • Work cat: Historia y memorias de la comunidad étnica uspanteka, 1997?:title page (comunidad étnica uspanteka) page 11 (the "comunidad lingüística uspanteka" is located within the K'iche' community, in the municipio of Uspantán, in Quiché department) page 12 (the Sakapulteka, Sipakapense and Uspanteka communities form part of a branch of the languages of K'iche' origin)
  • Wikipedia (English), Nov. 17, 2015(Uspantek people; the Uspantek (Uspantecos, Uspantekos); a Maya people in Guatemala principally located in the municipality of Uspantán; their language is closely related to K'iche')
  • Wikipedia (Spanish), Nov. 17, 2015(Uspanteco; Guatemalan ethnic group of Mayan origin; their language is also called Uspanteco and is closely related to Quiché; they are found in the municipio Uspantán in the department El Quiché)
  • Ethnologue, viewed online Nov. 17, 2015(Uspanteko; a language of Guatemala; alternate name for the language: Uspanteco; location: El Quiché department, San Miguel Uspantán area; classification: Mayan, Yucatecan-Core Mayan, K'ichean-Mamean, K'ichean)
  • Las etnias de Guatemala website, viewed Nov. 17, 2015(Uspanteko; las uspantecas [referring specifically to women]; los uspantecos)
  • World directory of minorities website, viewed Nov. 17, 2015:Maya of Guatemala page (Uspanteco listed as one Mayan ethnic group)
  • Skutsch, Carl. Encyclopedia of the world's minorities, 2013 (viewed online Nov. 17, 2015):page 525 (Uspanteco, a language spoken in Guatemala)
  • Google search, Nov. 17, 2015(approximately 668,000 matches for "Uspanteko"; 657,000 for "Uspanteco"; 2,690 for "Uspantek"; 2,700 for "Uspanteca; 1,300 for "Uspanteka")
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Wikipedia description:

The Uspantek (Uspantecos, Uspantekos) are a Maya people in Guatemala, principally located in the municipality of Uspantán. The Uspantek language is a K’ichean-Mamean language, like Kʼicheʼ.

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