Enlarge text Shrink text- Work cat: 2015371265: Aubenas, Sylvie. Cache sexe, 2014:(the term cache-sexe refers to clothing and objects used to cover male and female genitalia; this book focuses on the creative and often humorous ways western artists have covered the genitals of their subjects)
- Webster's unabridged dictionary:(cache-sexe: noun; a small garment (as a loincloth) worn to cover the genitals; origin of cache-sexe, French--literally, sex hider, from cacher to hide + sexe sex; first known use: 1936)
- Oxford English dictionary:(cache-sexe, n. A covering for the genitals)
- Getty AAT:(cache-sexe (<main garments for the lower body>, main garments, ... Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)) Note: Main garments worn by women, primarily in Africa, to cover the genitals ...)
- Wikipedia, viewed Dec. 3, 2015:(A cache-sexe is an item, often a small garment, that covers its user's genitals. [Examples include] Western G-strings, Japanese Fundoshis, the penis gourds of tribal New Guinea ... )
A cache-sexe is an item, often a small garment, that covers its user's genitals. The most common style, seen in Western G-strings and Japanese Fundoshis, has a triangle of material (cloth, beaded strings, etc.) attached at the corners to straps or strings around the waist and between the legs, that fasten the triangle over the genitals. Cache-sexes have various social intentions, including the wearer's practice of sincere or enforced modesty, legal and/or customary restrictions within the context of intentional eroticism, and adding fetishistic or playfully teasing aspects to intentional eroticism. In Western cultures, for example, G-strings appear as swimming attire; for many erotic dancing venues, as the final state of undress, set as the polite and/or legal limit; or as a garment whose removal is one of many steps of a striptease, each existing to provide an increment in the viewer's sexual arousal. Cache-sexe is a loanword from French. Cache-sexe is also an alternate term for modesty plate, sometimes caping, a small triangular or heart-shaped jewelry worn to hide the genitals, typically made of silver, gold, or brass.
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