Rabinowitch, Royden, 1943-
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Sources of Information
- His Royden Rabinowitch, Skulpturen, eine Auswahl 1963-1985, 1985?:p. 145 (b. 1943 in Toronto, Canada; now lives in N.Y. City, Cambridge, England, and Dublin; lifetime associate of Cambridge Univ.)
- Royden Rabinowitch : Ghent, 2014:p. 121 (Royden Rabinowitch; now divides his time between Ghent, Cambridge, U.K., and Waterloo, Ontario)
Wikipedia description:
Royden Rabinowitch, (born March 6, 1943) is a Canadian post-minimalist sculptor who exhibits internationally. Some critics consider him one of the pioneers of modern sculpture. Rabinowitch was elected Visiting Associate 1983/84; Visiting Fellow 1984/85 and Life Member 1986 of Clare Hall, Cambridge University. In 2002, he was appointed Officer of the Order of Canada (OC). He lives and works in Ghent, Cambridge, UK, and Waterloo, Ontario.
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