Süssmilch, Johann Peter, 1707-1767
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Sources of Information
- His Catalogus praestantissimi thesauri exquisitissimorum et rariorum in omni studiorum et linguarum genere librorum ... 1768:t.p. (D. Joannes Petrus Süssmilch)
- Brockhaus Enzyk.(Süssmilch, Johann Peter; b. 9-3-1707; d. 3-22-1767; clergyman and statistician)
- His De goddelyke orde, heerschende in de veranderingen van het menschelyk geslacht, 1770-1772:t.p. (J.P. Suszmilch, koningklyke Pruissische opperconsistoriaalraad)
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Wikipedia description:
Johann Peter Süßmilch or Süssmilch (September 3, 1707 in Zehlendorf – March 22, 1767 in Berlin) was a German Protestant pastor, statistician and demographer. He is most well-known for his work The Divine order in the changes in the human sex from birth, death and reproduction of the same, which was an influential work in demography and the history of population statistics.
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