Tsakirgis, Barbara

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007423555305171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Tsakirgis, Barbara
Date of birth
Date of death
Field of activity
Classical antiquities Architecture, Domestic--Greece
Associate group
Princeton University
Vanderbilt University
Archaeologists College teachers
Associated Language
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q24034406
Library of congress: no2015139216
Sources of Information
  • Houses of ill repute : the archaeology of brothels, houses, and taverns in the Greek world, 2016:ECIP title page (Allison Glazebrook; co-editor)
  • Vanderbilt University, College of Arts and Sciences, WWW site, October 16, 2015faculty (Barbara Tsakirgis; associate professor; classical archaeology, art, and architecture; Ph.D. Princeton University; interests: ancient Greek architecture, domestic architecture, and social life)
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Wikipedia description:

Barbara Tsakirgis (1954 – January 16, 2019) was an American classical archaeologist with specialization in Greek and Roman archaeology, particularly of ancient Greek houses and households. She worked in the archaeological excavation sites in Sicily and Athens for her doctoral thesis from Princeton University on the subject of Hellenistic houses at Morgantina. Her thesis was published as The Domestic Architecture of Morgantina in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (1984). She taught at the Vanderbilt University's Department of Classical Studies and was an associate professor from 1992 to 2019.

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