Bompa, Tudor O.
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Sources of Information
- His Fitness and body development exercises, c1981:t.p. (Tudor O. Bompa, Dept. of Physical Educ., York Univ., Downsview, Ont.)
- Power training for sport, c1993:t.p. (Tudor O. Bompa, Ph.D.) Can. CIP (Bompa, Tudor O., 1932-)
- Periodization training for sports, c1999:CIP t.p. (Tudor Bompa)
- Prenumele la români, 2004:t.p. (Prof. Dr. Olimpius Bompa) cover Prof. Dr. Tudor Olimpius Bompa)
- Tudor Bompa WWW page, Mar. 25, 2011:(Dr. Tudor Olimpius Bompa; Ph.D. in biomechanics; author of Prenumele la români and of books on biomechanics, theory of training, planning, and politics)
Wikipedia description:
Tudor Olimpius Bompa is a sports scientist. He is a Professor Emeritus at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is married to Tamara Bompa, who is an associate lecturer at York University.
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