Veĭnberg, I. P.

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007426824205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Veĭnberg, I. P.
Name (Cyrilic)
Вейнберг, И. П.
Other forms of name
Veĭnberg, I. P. (Ioėl Pesakhovich), 1922-2011
Weinberg, Joel P
Weinberg, Joel (Joel P.)
Veinberg, J. (Joel)
Veinberg, Joel
Veĭnberg, Ioėl Pesakhovich, 1922-2011
Weinberg, Joel, 1922-2011
Weinberg, Joel P., 1922-2011
Вейнберг, И. П. (Иоэль Песахович), 1922-2011
Вейнберг, Иоэл Песахович
Вейнберг, Иоэль Песахович, 1922-2011
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of birth
Rīga (Latvia)
Place of death
Jerusalem (Israel)
Associate group
Latvijas Universitāte (1990- )
Daugavpils universitāte
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
College teachers
Fuller form of name
Ioėl Pesakhovich
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 12376641
Wikidata: Q4105993
Library of congress: n 86118278
HAI10: 000287543
Sources of Information
Wikipedia description:

Joel Veinberg (Russian: Йоэль Пейсахович (Иоэл Песахович) Вейнберг, Latvian: Joels Veinbergs; born 1922 in Riga, died in 2011 in Jerusalem), also known as Joel Weinberg, was a Latvian and Soviet orientalist and historian of Jewish origin. He graduated from a high school with language of instruction in Hebrew in Latvia and started university studies in history. From 1941 to 1943 he was confined to the Riga Ghetto together with his family and was thereafter imprisoned by Nazi Germany until 1945 in concentration camps in Latvia and Germany (including Buchenwald). After the war Veinberg worked as a lecturer of history in the University of Latvia and later at the Daugavpils University. Joel Veinberg was one of the few Jewish historians in the USSR who could work in the "inactual" (from the point of view of the Soviet officialdom) fields such as ancient Jewish history and culture. He published numerous works on the Ancient Orient («Человек в культуре древнего Ближнего Востока», М., 1986 ("Man and Culture in the Ancient Orient", published in Moscow)), Second Temple period and especially the Persian period, as well as on the Bible ("The Old Testament in the Light of Current Science", in Latvian, Riga, 1966). Beginning in 1994 he worked at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev as professor at the department of Bible and Ancient Orient.

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