Stapp, Henry P.

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007432520805171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Stapp, Henry P.
Date of birth
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 113332269
Wikidata: Q5728668
Library of congress: n 85800567
HAI10: 000266579
Sources of Information
  • LCCN sa67-7903: His Lectures on analytic s-matrix theory, 1964
  • LC data base, 12-26-84
  • His Mind, matter, and quantum mechanics, 1993:
Wikipedia description:

Henry Pierce Stapp (born March 23, 1928, in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American mathematical physicist, known for his work in quantum mechanics, particularly the development of axiomatic S-matrix theory, the proofs of strong nonlocality properties, and the place of free will in the "orthodox" quantum mechanics of John von Neumann.

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