Szentágothai, János
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Kiss, F.
- nuc88-63468: Regulatory functions of the CNS, c1981
- Flerkó, B. Szentágothai János, 1998:
- Kardos, I. Találkozások a világhírrel, c2005:
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Wikipedia description:
János Szentágothai FRS (31 October 1912 – 8 September 1994) was a Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian anatomist, Professor, Member of Parliament, and President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.His father was Antal Géza MD, great-grandfather was Alexander Lumniczer (whose brother-in-law was Schöpf-Merei Ágost). The general assembly of UNESCO decided the year 2012 to be dedicated to honour the 100th birthday of János Szentágothai.
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