Romankiw, Lubomyr T. 1931-
Enlarge text Shrink text- Symp. on Electrodeposition Technology, Theory and Practice (1986 : San Diego, Calif.). Proceedings of the Symposim on Electrodeposition ... c1987:t.p. (Lubomyr T. Romankiw; IBM T.J. Watson Research Cent., Yorktown Heights, N.Y.) p. iv, etc. (L.T. Romankiw)
- American men & women of science, 15th ed.:v. 6, p. 256 (Romankiw, Lubomyr Taras; b. 4/17/31 in Zhowkwa, Ukraine, Can. citizen; BSc Univ. Alberta 1955; MSc & PhD Mass. Inst. Technol. 1962)
Lubomyr Taras Romankiw (April 17, 1931 – June 27, 2024) was a Ukrainian-Canadian-American Electrochemist, Material Scientist and Engineer, and a world-renowned inventor. Although a Canadian citizen, he spent his entire career at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. He was an IBM fellow, the highest technical ranking at IBM. Romankiw earned his B.Sc. from the University of Alberta in 1957, and both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees (in metallurgy and materials) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962. His Ph.D. dissertation was titled "Kinetics of dissolution of zinc sulfide in aqueous sulfuric acid", under the advisory of Professor P. L. de Bruyn. Romankiw is listed as a co-inventor on over 90 U.S. patents, 150 papers and edited 10 volumes of various technical symposia.
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