Duca, Gheorghe, 1952-

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007438075205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Duca, Gheorghe, 1952-
Other forms of name
Duca, G. G., 1952-
Duca, Gh
Duca, Gh. (Gheorghe), 1952-
Duka, G. G., 1952-
Duka, George, 1952-
Duka, Georgiĭ Grigorʹevich, 1952-
Date of birth
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 68387661
Wikidata: Q4170364
Library of congress: n 99039459
HAI10: 000679874
Sources of Information
  • Duca, Gheorghe. Contributii la societatea bazata pe cunoastere, 2007:t.p. (Gheorghe Duca) p. 7 (academician, presedintele Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei) p. 4 of cover (b. 1952; doctor habilitat in chimie; profesor universitar la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova)
  • Author's home page, Nov. 1, 2007(Gheorghe Duca; president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova; b. Feb. 29, 1952, in Copaceni, Singerei, Moldova; doctor of sciences, physical chemistry; lists works)
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Wikipedia description:

Gheorghe Duca (born 29 February 1952) is a Moldovan academic and politician who is a former president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, an honorary member of the Romanian Academy, and former Moldovan Minister of Environment, Public Works and Regional Development.

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