Zilberman, David, 1947-
Enlarge text Shrink text- Feder, G. Adoption of agricultural innovations in developing countries, 1982 (a.e.)CIP t.p. (David Zilberman) data sht. (b. May 17, 1947)
- Market development for genetically modified foods, 2001:CIP t.p. (David Zilberman, Dept. of Agri & Resource Econ., Univ. of Calif, Berkeley)
- LCCN 2002512677: Economic and social issues in agricultural biotechnology,2002(usage: D. Zilberman)
- University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics faculty Web site, June 24, 2003(David Zilberman; University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., 1979; b. May 9, 1947; 1994-; chair, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley; director, Center for Sustainable Resource Development)
- Ecosystem services valuation: Cost-benefit analysis of a marine reserve expansion in Israel considering the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and international environmental standards, 2023:Title page (under the supervision of...Prof. David Zilberman - University of California, Berkeley, School of Natural Resources Economics, Robinson Chair) ; added title page (בפיקוח של...פרופ' דיוויד זילברמן - אוניברסיטת קליפורניה, ברקלי, בית הספר לכלכלת משאבי טבע, יו"ר רובינסון)
David Zilberman (born May 9, 1947) is an Israeli-American agricultural economist, professor and Robinson Chair in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. Zilberman has been a professor in the Agricultural and Resource Economics Department at UC Berkeley since 1979. His research has covered a range of fields including the economics of production technology and risk in agriculture, agricultural and environmental policy, marketing and more recently the economics of climate change, biofuel and biotechnology. He won the 2019 Wolf Prize in Agriculture, he is a member of the US National Academy Science since 2019, was the President of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), and is a Fellow of the AAEA, Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics. David is an avid blogger on the Berkeley Blog and a life-long Golden State Warriors fan.
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