Kevorkian, Jack
Enlarge text Shrink text- The story of dissection, c1959.
- Washington post WWW site, June 3, 2011(Jack Kevorkian; b. May 28, 1928, Pontiac, Mich.; d. Friday [June 3, 2011], Detroit area, at 83; former pathologist; known as "Dr. Death" for his lifelong crusade to legalize physician-assisted suicide)
- Wikipedia, June 6,2011(Jack Kevorkian; Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian; b. May 26, 1928 in Pontiac, Mich.; d. June 3, 2011 in Royal Oak, Mich.; an Armenian American pathologist, assisted suicide activist, painter, composer and instrumentalist. He is best known for publicly championing a terminal patient's right to die via physician-assisted suicide)
- New York times, June 4, 2011(Jack Kevorkian; b. Murad Kevorkian, May 26, 1928, Pontiac, Mich.; d. Friday [June 3, 2011], Royal Oak, Mich, aged 83; the medical pathologist who willfully helped dozens of terminally ill people end their lives, becoming the central figure in a national drama surrounding assisted suicide)
Murad Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian (May 26, 1928 – June 3, 2011) was an American pathologist and euthanasia proponent. He publicly championed a terminal patient's right to die by physician-assisted suicide, embodied in his quote, "Dying is not a crime". Kevorkian said that he assisted at least 130 patients to that end. He was convicted of murder in 1999 and was often portrayed in the media with the name of "Dr. Death". In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his role in the voluntary euthanasia of a man named Thomas Youk who had Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS. He was convicted of second-degree murder and served eight years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence. He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, on condition he would not offer advice about, participate in, or be present at the act of any type of euthanasia to any other person, nor that he promote or talk about the procedure of assisted suicide.
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