Canby, Jeanny Vorys
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Sources of Information
- Ancient Anatolia, 1986:CIP t.p. (Jeanny Vorys Canby)
- LC data base, 3/3/86(hdg.: Canby, Jeanny Vorys)
- Canby, Jeanny Vorys. The "Ur-nammu" Stela, c2006:t.p. (Jeanny Vorys Canby) p. xi (Jes Canby) cover p. 4 (Ph.D. fr. Bryn Mawr College)
- Washington post, Nov. 28, 2007, via WWW, Nov. 28, 2007:p. B07 (Jeanny "Jes" Canby; d. Nov. 18 [2007] at 78)
Wikipedia description:
Jeanny Vorys Canby (July 14, 1929 – November 18, 2007) was an American archaeologist and scholar of the ancient Near East. She is best known for her restoration of the Ur-Nammu stele.
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