United States. Office of National Drug Control Policy

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  • Governmenal body
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
United States. Office of National Drug Control Policy
Other forms of name
O.N.D.C.P. (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
United States. Escritório de Política Nacional de Controle de Drogas
United States. Escritório do Programa Nacional de Controle de Drogas
United States. Executive Office of the President. Office of National Drug Control Policy
United States. National Drug Control Policy
United States. National Drug Control Policy, Office of
United States. Oficina Nacional de Politica y Control de Drogas
United States. Oficina Nacional de Políticas para el Control de Drogas
United States. Oficina de Política Nacional para el Control de Drogas
United States. Oficina de la Política Nacional sobre el Control de Drogas
United States. White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 159722043
Wikidata: Q3370543
Library of congress: no 89006505
TAU10: 000361335
Sources of Information
  • U.S. Cong. Senate. Comm. on the Judiciary. Dr. William J. Bennett to be Director ... 1989:p. 1 (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
  • Its National drug control strategy, 1989:p. 4 of cover (Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President)
  • Pulse check, 1994:t.p. (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
  • Chalsma, A.L. Marijuana situation assessment, 1994:cover (Office of National Drug Control Policy) p. 5, etc. (ONDCP) p. 4 of cover (Washington, D.C.)
  • U.S. Cong. Senate. Executive report, no. 102-2; Mr. Robert Martinez to be director of National Drug Control Policy, 1991:t.p. (National Drug Control Policy) p. 14 (Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP); est'd via Public Law 100-690)
  • Reporte sobre mejor cooperación multilateral para el control de los estupefacientes, 1997:t.p. (Oficina Ejecutiva del Presidente, Oficina Nacional de Politica y Control de Drogas, Washington, D.C.)
  • Relatório sobre a cooperac̨ão multilateral intensificada para o controle de drogas, 1997:t.p. (Escritório Executivo do Presidente, Escritório do Programa Nacional de Controle de Drogas) letter of transmittal (Office of National Drug Control Policy, Washington, D.C.)
  • A estratégia nacional de controle de drogas, 1999:cover (Escritório de Política Nacional de Controle de Drogas; seal: Executive Office of the President of the United States) p. 4 of cover (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
  • Padres preparados, 21 ideas y consejos que le ayudarán a alejar a sus hijos de las drogas, 2000?:p. 1 (Oficina de la Política Nacional Sobre el Control de Drogas)
  • United States. Office of National Drug Control Policy. Estrategia nacional para el control de drogas, 1998:t.p. (Oficina de Política Nacional para el Control de Drogas) p. 4 of cover (Office of National Drug Control Policy; seal: Executive Office of the President of the United States)
  • Update, National youth anti-drug media campaign [CF] Apr.-May 1998, accessed 11/9/2000:title screen (White House Office of National Drug Control Policy)
  • Principios basados en evidencias científicas para la prevención del consumo de sustancias, 2000?:p. 1 (Oficina Nacional de Políticas para el Control de Drogas; seal: Executive Office of the President of the United States)
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Wikipedia description:

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is a component of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The director of the ONDCP, colloquially known as the drug czar, heads the office. "Drug czar" was a term first used in the media by Richard Nixon in 1971. In addition to running the ONDCP, the director evaluates, coordinates, and oversees both the international and domestic anti-drug efforts of executive branch agencies and ensures that such efforts sustain and complement State and local anti-drug activities. The Director advises the President regarding changes in the organization, management, budgeting, and personnel of federal agencies that affect U.S. anti-drug efforts; and regarding federal agency compliance with their obligations under the National Drug Control Strategy, an annual report required by law. Prior to Rahul Gupta taking office in November, 2021, the most recent director was James. W. Carroll, who took over from former director Michael Botticelli. The fiscal year 2011 National Drug Control Budget proposed by the Obama administration devoted significant new resources to the prevention and treatment of drug abuse. These resources were complemented by an aggressive effort to enhance domestic law enforcement, interdiction, and supply control programs. New resources, $340 million, were added to the prevention and treatment of drug use.

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