Luke, Yudell L.

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007456186805171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Luke, Yudell L.
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 92091504
Wikidata: Q8060225
Library of congress: n 84802629
BGU10: 000072011
Sources of Information
  • LCCN 62-19765: His Integrals of Bessel functions, 1962
  • LC data base, 6-25-84
Wikipedia description:

Yudell Leo Luke (26 June 1918 – 6 May 1983) was an American mathematician who made significant contributions to MRIGlobal, was awarded the N. T. Veatch award for Distinguished Research and Creative Activity in 1975, and appointed as Curator's Professor at the University of Missouri in 1978, a post he held until his death. Luke published eight books and nearly 100 papers in a wide variety of mathematical areas, ranging from aeronautics to approximation theory. By his own estimation, Luke reviewed over 1,800 papers and books throughout his career.

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