Smila (Cherkasʹka oblastʹ, Ukraine)
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Sources of Information
- Haĭvan, S. Smila: putivnyk, 1992:p. 5 (Smila; celebrated its 450th anniversary [1992] of its founding. Until 1917 it was officially named Smelai︠a︡) p. 4 of cover (Smila, Smela)
- Atlas avtomobilʹnykh shli︠a︡khiv Ukraïny, 1997:p. 68 (Smila)
- Atlas SSSR, 1983:p. 39 (Smela)
- Ukraïna, 1992:(Smila)
- Ukraïna ohli︠a︡dova mapa, 1994:p. 25 (Smila in Cherkasʹka oblastʹ; until 1633 called Ti︠a︡smyme)
- GEOnet, 11-28-01(Smela, ppl.; 49p0s 14ʹ 00" N., 31p0s 53ʹ 00" E.; lists another Smela at 49p0s 47ʹ 00" N., 28p0s 10ʹ 00" E. in Vinnyt︠s︡ʹka oblastʹ)
- Shtetlseeker, 11-28-01(Smila; 49p0s 14ʹ N., 31p0s 53ʹ E.; 102.8 miles SE of Kiev)
- Getty vocabulary program(Smela; 49p0s 15ʹ N., 31p0s 54ʹ E.; variant: Smila; in Cerkassy oblast)
- (Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. City in Cherkasay Oblast. The first mention refers to the XVI century. In the 1648-1654 period it was a squadron town of Chygyrynsky Regiment. In 1773 it was given the Magdeburg Right. According to a legendduring one of the numerous raids of the Tartars a maiden led the prince's army behind Tartar lines. The enemies were defeated but the maiden was killed by the Tartars arrow. Nobody knows her name. When a settlement appeared on the place of thebattle they named it Smela (from the word meaning "brave"))
- Encyklopedia Powszechna:v. 13, p. 587 (Smiła or Śmila; a town in Powiat Czerkaski in Gubernja Kijowska)
- Encyc. of Ukraine:v. 4, p. 773 (Smila, a city on the Tiasmyn River and raion center in Cherkasy oblast. At the end of the 16th cent. a Cossack settlement named Tiasmyne arose at the site of a former khutir. In 1633 it became the estate of S.Koniecpolski and later renamed as Smila. Under the Hetman state it was a company center in the Chyhyryn regiment. It took part in the haidamaka revolts of the 18th cent. against Polanmd. Annexed by Russia in 1793 Smila became part of theCherkasy county in Kiev gubernia. In 1838 it was purchased by the Bobrinsky family)
Wikipedia description:
Smila (Ukrainian: Сміла, [ˈsmilɐ] ) is a city located on Dnieper Upland near the Tyasmyn River, in Cherkasy Raion, Cherkasy Oblast of Ukraine. The Tiasmyn River, a tributary of the Dnieper River, flows through the city. In January 2022, the estimated population was 65,675 a 1.2% decrease from 2021.
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