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Sources of Information
- Die Erzehlungen aus den mittlern Zeiten, 1985:t.p. (Novellino) p. 15, etc. (a collection of Italian short stories written in the 1300's and first printed in 1525; Libro di novelle, et di bel parlar gentile)
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Wikipedia description:
Il Novellino, also known as Le cento novelle antiche ("One Hundred Ancient Tales"), is an anonymous medieval collection of short stories written in the Tuscan vernacular between 1280 and 1300. It was first published in 1525 by Carlo Gualteruzzi, a friend of Pietro Bembo. The author of the collection is unknown; several details from the stories included in the collection suggest that he was a layperson from Florence and likely belonged to the Ghibelline faction.
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