Carruthers, Mary J. 1941-
Enlarge text Shrink text- The mind of will: a preface to Piers Plowman, 1965:t.p. (Mary J. Carruthers) UMI p. (Carruthers, Mary Jean, 1941-)
- The craft of thought, 1998:t.p. (Mary Carruthers)
- New York University, Department of English, WWW home page, Feb. 25, 2014:emeritus faculty (Mary J. Carruthers, prof. emeritus; areas of research: medieval literature & rhetoric; memory & mnemonic technique; history of spirituality) curriculum vitae (Remarque Professor Emeritus of Literature, New York Univ.; Fellow (Quondam) of All Souls College, Oxford; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 1965; at New York Univ., 1991-2011)
- ERAN LCN 2009
Mary J. Carruthers (born January 15, 1941) is Remarque Professor Emeritus of English at New York University. She also teaches at New York University Abu Dhabi. She is formerly a professor at Smith College, University of Illinois, and Case Western Reserve University. She has written widely on medieval literature and rhetoric, memory and mnemonic techniques, and the history of spirituality. She holds a Ph.D. in English from Yale University (1965), and a B.A. in English from Wellesley College (1961). In 2012, Carruthers was elected to the British Academy. She gave the A.S.W. Rosenbach Lectures in Bibliography in 2017: "Cognitive Geometries: Using Diagrams in the Middle Ages." She was elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2020 and to the American Philosophical Society in 2022.
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