Asikpasazade, 1400-
Enlarge text Shrink text- His Tevarih-i Âl-i Osman'dan Aşıkpaşazade tarihi, 1914:t.p. (Aşıkpaşazade)
- Encyc. brit. 15th ed.(Aşıkpaşazade; also called Aşıki; full name Dervis Ahmet ibn Şeyh Yahya ibn Aşık Paşa; b. 1400, Amasya, d. after 1484, Istanbul; Ottoman historian, great grandson of Aşık Paşa)
- Büyük lûgat ve ansikl., 1969-1973(Aşık Paşazade; real name Derviş Ahmed Âşıkî; b. Amasya, 1400)
- İst. Üniv. Kütüp. Türkçe basmalar alfa. kat., 1956(Ahmed Âşıkî, Derviş; d. 1518; Âşık Paşa zade; Aşıkpaşazade)
- LC manual cat.(Âşıkpaşazade; usage: Âşıkpaşazade, Āšiḳpašazāde)
- His Âşıkpaşaoğlu tarihi, 1985:t.p. (Âşıkpaşaoğlu) p. 3 (Derviş Ahmed Âşıkî)
Dervish Ahmed (Turkish: Derviş Ahmed; "Ahmed the Dervish; 1400–1484), better known by his pen name Âşıki or his family name Aşıkpaşazade, was an Ottoman historian and a prominent representative of the early Ottoman historiography. He was a descendant (the great-grandson) of mystic poet dervish Aşık Pasha (1272–1333). He was born in the region of Amasya and studied in various Anatolian towns before going to Hajj and stayed some time in Egypt. He later took part in various Ottoman campaigns, such as the Battle of Kosovo (1448), the Fall of Constantinople and witnessed the circumcision festivities of Mustafa and Bayezid II, the sons of Mehmed the Conqueror. Later in his life he started to write his famous history work Tevārīḫ-i Āl-i ʿOsmān.
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