Manipulative behavior
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 87001884
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Brandt, D. Don't stop now, you're killing me, c1986.
- Eysenck encyc. psych.("Management and direction of human beings by a clever use of their desires and qualities in order to control them for scientific, social or political ends not of their own choosing.")
- English comp. dict. psych.(Manipulation)
- Penguin dict. psych.(Manipulative drive)
- Drever dict. psych.(Manipulation)
Wikipedia description:
In psychology, manipulation is defined as an action designed to influence or control another person, usually in an underhanded or unfair manner which facilitates one's personal aims. Methods someone may use to manipulate another person may include seduction, suggestion, coercion, and blackmail. Manipulation is generally considered a dishonest form of social influence as it is used at the expense of others. Barring mental disabilities, humans are inherently capable of manipulative and deceptive behavior, with the main differences being of specific personality characteristics or disorders.
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