Kópavogur (Iceland)
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Information for Authority record
Sources of Information
- Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir. Rannsókn á Kópavogsþingstað, 1986:t.p. (Kópavogskaupstaður) p. 4 (Kópavogur)
- LC data base 5-27-92(hdg.: Kópavogur, Iceland)
- BGN gaz., Iceland, 1961(Kópavogur; PPL, 64p0s06ʹN, 21p0s55ʹW; Kópavogskaupstadhur, see, Kópavogur)
Wikipedia description:
Kópavogur (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈkʰouːpaˌvɔːɣʏr̥] ) is a town in Iceland that is the country's second-largest municipality by population. It lies immediately south of Reykjavík and is part of the Capital Region. The name literally means seal pup inlet. The town seal contains the profile of the church Kópavogskirkja with a seal pup underneath. Kópavogur is largely made up of residential areas, but has commercial areas and much industrial activity as well. The tallest building in Iceland, the Smáratorg Tower, is located in central Kópavogur.
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