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| מספר מערכת 987007532174905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
שלגיות (Galanthus)
Name (Latin)
Other forms of name
Candlemas bells (Plants)
Fair maids of February (Plants)
nne Galanthus
Snow drops
Snow flowers
White ladies (Plants)
See Also From tracing topical name
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q105415
Library of congress: sh 88022798
Sources of Information
  • Davis, A.P. The genus Galanthus, 1999p. 14 (Galanthus L., genus, family Amaryllidaeae; Commonly known as Snowdrops; Snow flowers or drops; English vernacular names, which pre-date the use of snowdrops, are Fair Maids of February, Candlemas Bells, and White Ladies; in France, the name Violette de la Chandaleur was used; and in Italy, Purification Flower; The common modern German vernacular is Schneeglockenchen, meaning little snowbell)
  • Web. 3(Galanthus, genus, comprising snowdrops) (snowdrop: plant of genus Galanthus: esp. G. nivalis)
  • SPN(Glanthus Snowdrop)
  • Hortus 3(Galanthus L. Snowdrop Amaryllidaceae)
  • Ind. nom. gen. (plant.)(Galanthus L.)
  • Engler Syl. Pflanz.:v. 2, p. 530 (Galanthus Amaryllidaceae)
  • Random House(snowdrop: any of several ... plants belonging to the genus Galanthus; esp. G. nivalis)
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Wikipedia description:

Galanthus (from Ancient Greek γάλα, (gála, "milk") + ἄνθος (ánthos, "flower")), or snowdrop, is a small genus of approximately 20 species of bulbous perennial herbaceous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. The plants have two linear leaves and a single small white drooping bell-shaped flower with six petal-like (petaloid) tepals in two circles (whorls). The smaller inner petals have green markings. Snowdrops have been known since the earliest times under various names, but were named Galanthus in 1753. As the number of recognised species increased, various attempts were made to divide the species into subgroups, usually on the basis of the pattern of the emerging leaves (vernation). In the era of molecular phylogenetics this characteristic has been shown to be unreliable and now seven molecularly defined clades are recognised that correspond to the biogeographical distribution of species. New species continue to be discovered. Most species flower in winter, before the vernal equinox (20 or 21 March in the Northern Hemisphere), but some flower in early spring and late autumn. Sometimes snowdrops are confused with the two related genera within the tribe Galantheae, snowflakes Leucojum and Acis.

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