Bridge of the Gods (Or. and Wash.
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Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Legends of the Klickitats, a Klickitat version of the story of the Bridge of the Gods, 1935, c1933:p. 6 (Bridge of the Gods; fabled bridge supposed to have spanned the Columbia River at the Cascades)
- Bridge of the gods, mountains of fire, 1980:p. 37 (existence of Bridge of the Gods w/huge tunnel underneath is doubtful, but about 700 yrs. ago a massive slide blocked the Columbia R. at the site of the legendary arch, creating the Great Cascades of the Columbia) p. 43 (Dam of the Gods; Columbia River blocked by the 5-sq. mi. Cascade Landslide; this rock barrier was probably the legendary Bridge of the Gods)
- Wikipedia, Nov. 8, 2005(Bridge of the Gods (geologic event); created by the Bonneville Slide which dammed the Columbia River during 18th century; 200 ft. high landslide across the Columbia; verified geologically; there are native legends of it; also name of a man-made bridge across the Columbia between Oregon and Washington)
Wikipedia description:
The Bridge of the Gods was a natural dam created by the Bonneville Slide, a major landslide that dammed the Columbia River near present-day Cascade Locks, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The river eventually breached the bridge and washed much of it away, but the event is remembered in local legends of the Native Americans as the Bridge of the Gods. The Bridge of the Gods is also the name of a modern manmade bridge, across the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington.
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