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| מספר מערכת 987007534404205171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Other forms of name
See Also From tracing topical name
Ethnology Germany
Slavs, Western
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q156108
Library of congress: sh 89005851
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: Friedmann, B. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des abodritischen Fürstentums bis zum Ende des 10, 1986(Abodriten, Engl. transl. = Abodrites)
  • Britannica Micro.(Abodrites, Bodryci)
  • Wielk encyklopedia powszcchra:v. 8, pp. 85-86 (Obodryci, Obotryci, Obodrzyce)
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Wikipedia description:

The Obotrites (Latin: Obotriti, Abodritorum, Abodritos) or Obodrites, also spelled Abodrites (German: Abodriten), were a confederation of medieval West Slavic tribes within the territory of modern Mecklenburg and Holstein in northern Germany (see Polabian Slavs). For decades, they were allies of Charlemagne in his wars against the Germanic Saxons and the Slavic Veleti. The Obotrites under Prince Thrasco defeated the Saxons in the Battle of Bornhöved (798). The still-Pagan Saxons were dispersed by the emperor, and the part of their former land in Holstein north of Elbe was awarded to the Obotrites in 804, as a reward for their victory. This however was soon reverted through an invasion of the Danes. The Obotrite regnal style was abolished in 1167, when Pribislav was restored to power by Duke Henry the Lion, as Prince of Mecklenburg, thereby founding the Germanized House of Mecklenburg.

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