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| מספר מערכת 987007534787005171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
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Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q5281423
Library of congress: sh 92005280
Sources of Information
  • Work cat.: Coates, F. Discaria pubescens flora recovery plan : research plan phase, 1991.
  • Briggs, J.D. Rare or threatened Australian plants, 1988.
  • Hortus 3.
  • Burbidge, N.T. Dict. of Australian plant genera, 1963(Discaria (Tetraplasma))
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Wikipedia description:

Discaria is a genus of 6 species of flowering plants in the family Rhamnaceae, native to temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere, in Australia, New Zealand and South America. They are deciduous thorny shrubs or small trees growing to 2–5 m tall. They are also non-legume nitrogen fixers. Many of the world's Discaria species qualify as xerophytes in the true sense of the term, and the Australian species are no exception. They frequently occur on porous or well-drained sites and on soils of low fertility. Some species can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere with the help of symbiotic bacteria (Frankia) that form nodules in their roots.

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