Brown treecreeper
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Information for Authority record
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Library of congress:
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Cooper, C.B. The behavioral ecology and conservation of an Australian passerine, the brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus), 2000.
- Avibase : the world bird database, via WWW, Dec. 17, 2005(Brown Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus). Other English names: Black-backed Treecreeper, Brown Creeper, Rufous Treecreeper. Synonym: Climacteris rufus)
- Internet bird collection, Dec. 17, 2005(Climacteris picumnus, Brown Treecreeper)
- Bird families of the world web site, Dec. 17, 2005:Climacteridae (Brown Treecreeper, Climacteris picumnus)
- Sibley and Monroe's world list of birds, via WWW, Dec. 17, 2005(Climacteris picumnus, Brown Treecreeper)
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Wikipedia description:
The brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus) is the largest Australasian treecreeper. The bird, endemic to eastern Australia, has a broad distribution, occupying areas from Cape York, Queensland, throughout New South Wales and Victoria to Port Augusta and the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Prevalent nowadays between 16˚S and 38˚S, the population has contracted from the edges of its pre-European range, declining in Adelaide and Cape York. Found in a diverse range of habitats varying from coastal forests to mallee shrub-lands, the brown treecreeper often occupies eucalypt-dominated woodland habitats up to 1,000 metres (3,300 ft), avoiding areas with a dense shrubby understorey.
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