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| מספר מערכת 987007537102305171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
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Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q7256617
Library of congress: sh 97006041
Sources of Information
  • Verdcourt, B. Ptaeroxylaceae, 1996:p. 1 (a small family of 3 genera: Ptaeroxylon, Cedrelopsis and Bottegoa)
  • Dict. flow. ferns.
  • Am. Journal of Botany, Gadek, P. "Sapindales":v. 83, no. 6, p. 802 (one of five lineages within the order Sapindales)
Wikipedia description:

Ptaeroxylaceae Juss. are a small family of Southern African indigenous trees and woody lianes, most of them from Madagascar, comprising only two genera. Such a family was not recognized by the APG II system of classification (2003), which noted that it was a synonym of Rutaceae. The APG III system of 2009, an updated version of the last system, did not mention the family. All species within this family are included within Rutaceae. The family Ptaeroxylaceae was recognized by the Thorne system (1992), Dahlgren system, and Reveal system and placed in the Rutales. Genus: Cedrelopsis Baill. Species: Genus: Ptaeroxylon Ecklon & Zeyher, 1834 Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. (Ptaeroxylon utile)

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