Altopascio, Battle of, Altopascio, Italy, 1325
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Sources of Information
- Work cat.: 2003422376: La Battaglia di Altopascio, 2002(violent battle that occurred on Sept. 23, 1325 in Altopascio, in which the Ghibellines, under the command of Castruccio Castracani, signore of Lucca, defeated the Guelf forces of Florence)
- Harbottle dict. bat:p. 21 (Alto Pascio, 1325, battle ... )
- Encic. italiana:v. 2, p. 721 (Altopascio: town renowned for the great battle that took place in 1325 ... )
Wikipedia description:
The Battle of Altopascio was fought in 1325 in Tuscany, between the Ghibelline forces of Lucca under Castruccio Castracani and those of Guelph Florence.
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