Oldenburger Münsterland (Germany)

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| מספר מערכת 987007537961905171
Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
אולדנבורגר מינסטרלנד (גרמניה)
Name (Latin)
Oldenburger Münsterland (Germany)
E0080100 E0080100 N0524700 N0524700 (geonames )
Associated country
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 149201615
Wikidata: Q320641
Library of congress: no 89005979
Sources of Information
  • Jahrbuch für das Oldenburger Münsterland, 1981:t.p.
  • LC data base, 5-2-89(hdg.: Oldenburger Münsterland)
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Wikipedia description:

The Oldenburg Münsterland, otherwise called Oldenburger Münsterland or Oldenburgisches Münsterland, is a region in Lower Saxony, Germany and the administrative area that comprises the federal districts of Cloppenburg and Vechta. It forms the southern part of the historical region of Oldenburg Land, so it is also called Südoldenburg. The inhabitants of the region accordingly call themselves Südoldenburger, with the denominative Oldenburger Münsterländer being rather uncommon.

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