Jerte River (Spain)
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 87007355
Sources of Information
- Work cat.: Flores del Manzano, F. Historia de una comarca altoextremeña : el valle del Jerte, 1985.
- United States. Office of Geography. Spain and Andorra, 1961(Jerte, Río, STM, 39⁰58ʹN, 6⁰17ʹW)
- The Times, London. The Times atlas of the world, 1955-59:v. 4, index (Jerte, R, Spain)
- Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana, 1907?-c1930(Jerte, river in the prov. of Caceres)
- Old catalog heading(Jerte River, Spain)